Herren Echtleder Tasche Gregorio ART. 2123
- A capacious men's sachet, a briefcase with a tasteful finish made of natural leather. Elegant hems that add charm. In addition, this model has two chambers and an outer pocket, thanks to which each of the gentlemen will fit everything he needs.
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Elegant, men's handbag made of natural leather with a beautiful design and tasteful hems, from the Gregorio brand. There is a long leather strap next to the zipper, which can be easily grabbed in the hand and used comfortably.
On the outside there is a pocket that closes with a latch, it is ideal for smaller items. Two compartments with a compartment, fastened with a zipper, which will easily accommodate all the most necessary documents, telephone and keys.
A great model for every modern man who needs comfort every day. In addition, the sachet is very elegant and practical, so you will certainly feel special and extraordinary with it.
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